Professional and Community Activity

I am a member of the Responsible Engagement Board, at the Sié Center for International Security and Diplomacy, Korbel School of International Studies, University of Denver. If you have a question regarding the ethical dimensions of scholarly engagement with policy audiences and debates, please submit it to the Anonymous Advice on Responsible Engagement platform (anonymity guaranteed for all parties) here.

A view of the crowd at the Women's March, Washington D.C., January 2017. Miles Kahler - Professional and Community Activity

Women's March, Washington D.C., January 2017

A view of protesters and their signs at the People's Climate March 2017, Washington D.C. Miles Kahler - Professional and Community Activity

People's Climate March 2017, Washington D.C.


I also volunteer with Charlie's Place, which serves homeless neighbors in the Washington, D.C.  I encourage you to donate and to volunteer.  

I am married to Steven Schwarz, a former computer scientist who is now a professional musician and composer. Music, especially classical music, is an important part of our lives.  Please support your local arts organizations; the pandemic has been a major setback for the arts community.

In my spare time, I work at creating a woodland garden in the small space in front of my home in Washington, D.C.